Alchemy (n.) is the act of inner transformation. It is healing and freeing the inner parts of ourselves that need to be changed.
The freedom from::
(1) our fears, (2) beliefs that no longer serve us, and (3) soul loss. By transforming these parts of us, it leads to inner liberation.

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My mission is to question the modern-day status quo that our worth is dependent on external achievement or value.
I believe when we prioritize dropping into energetic states that expand and cherish yin qualities - we are tapping into the unused reservoir of our unrealized potential. How many inner gifts have been ignored because modern society has deemed them as useless or invalid? Things like intuition, generosity, flow state are often seen as weaker, lesser versions of : evidence, protection, and control.
There is nothing wrong with yang qualities, we need those too - but we live in a society that suppresses the femme. That vilifies essential things like rest, stillness, self love.
I'm for those who are done being 'burned out.' Who are over imposter syndrome and tired of second-guessing their heart and gut. Who are no longer waiting until they are fit enough, rich enough, or have x, y, and z to start living in their full potential. Who are realizing that the inner work is more potent than the outer. That's who I'm for.
I don't have all the answers, but I am creating a path - and I'm planting flowers along the way. I am right here in the trenches with you as we accelerate the expansion of consciousness.


Experience KAP (Kundalini Activation Process), a healing modality that activates your own self healing systems. You are held in an energetic field that empowers your energy bodies to realign. It looks different in every single person, each time.
Some key common experiences are:
spontaneous movements,
emotional release,
transpersonal awareness,
deep bliss,
cosmic unity.
All you need to ‘do’ is lay back, relax, and surrender.
Who is KAP for?
There are no prerequisites to joining a KAP session. It is for you - if you feel curious and are drawn to something larger than yourself.
What to Expect?
This practice is surrender based; you will lay back on a mat while music is played. The facilitator hovers over certain chakra points, meridians and energy centers of the body and you begin to feel things - sensations, emotions, releases … all from your own life force energy.
With repetition, the benefits of KAP become part of your daily life - your inner light shines outward, your essence becomes enchanting.

Dive deep into two back to back somatic practices that will deepen your relationship to self & source.
First, we will guide intuitive somatic release processes using stretching, shaking and pranayama breath techniques to release stagnant energy and tension within our bodies.
As we open up and tune into feeling fully and deeply, we will flow into a 60 minute KAP session with Jameelah. KAP stands for Kundalini Activation Process, an energy field of heightened life force (also known as Qi, Ase, Prana). KAP is a surrender-based healing modality where your body, mind, spirit intuitively heals itself.
With a heightened electromagnetic field, your intuition becomes clearer; your ability to manifest and attract deepens.
Clients experience a deeper sense of inner peace and cultivate an inner ‘knowing’, that aligns you to your highest purpose in life.

about the facilitator
Jameelah Nuriddin is a trauma certified energy worker who holds certifications in Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy and healing intergenerational and racial trauma through Breathwork. Jameelah supports her clients while they transmute and shed heavy thoughts, patterns and emotions.
Jameelah is a certified Kundalini Activation Process facilitator. She was taught to transmit raw kundalini life force energy directly from Venant Wong, the creator of KAP (Kundalini Activation Process) and formal devotee of spiritual realizer Adi Da Samraj.
Jameelah transmits the most native state of non-dual awareness. Her background in the Arts, Sat Nam Rasayan, and West African Yoruba Spirituality - blends to create a powerful alchemy of grounding and healing energy - this connects her clients to their innate divinity, inner wisdom, and profound intuition.

Everything is Energy ...
Everything is energy … including your ability to self-heal. KAP or Kundalini Activation Process is a pure transmission of life force energy. It is an energetic field, in which your ability to heal, transmute, let go, process, shed, overcome, align, and just be - is heightened. It is a natural process leaning on centuries of cultivation and study through non-duality and life force (Qi, Ase, prana, etc).
KAP is one of those experiences that can’t be explained with words alone. Much like trying to describe music to someone who has never heard it, words cannot encapsulate the KAP experience. In the moment, we try, we fail. Instead, KAP is something you have to experience, something to try out. It is universal. It is easeful. You don’t have to believe in anything or do anything at all. You only have to bring a curiosity to whether there is a power greater than yourself … and a willingness to surrender.
That's it. Then marvel at the profound joy of aligning with your deepest self.
Images by @hestiaphotoexperience
Sounds by @lestersealsounds
Created by @jameelahcreates


When you ask for change, you’re asking for something thats unfamiliar. To get to where you want to go there is an inevitable panic from our conditioned brain; it is designed to point out all the ways we could fail - all that can go wrong.
This is why just focusing on external growth rarely works. We talk ourselves right out of it - despite buying the course, reading the book, or having the very best of intentions. It's an inside job, that's where real growth and change reside.
Once we have an understanding that fear and doubt is part of the process, and can recognize how it effects our nervous system - then we can bring in THE TOOLS to gradually shape it into a place of courage and power. You must mix your current belief system (with all of its limits) with your desired growth, and through small, regular increments of blending the two - it will change.
Meditation is THE most powerful tool I have ever seen in seperating our thoughts from our reality. It creates a spaciousness - then we get to choose what we believe. Uniquely, Kundalini Meditation activates life force energy - a swirl of incredible potential at the base of the spine. It can clear old pathways and channels ... freeing up energy in the body that can be redirected toward the change you seek.
If you do this meditation for 7 days in a row, you’ll likely notice a shift in your behavior and outlook. If you do this meditation for 14 days, and you’re start to see your actions change without you consciously having to will it. You’ll catch yourself being a better person - more mature or emotionally grounded than you were before. If you do this meditation for 21 days your inner reality will start to instruct the outer.
Build up creative energy to redirect into what you want in life.
By ...
Reducing anxiety and stress in the body.
RESEARCH - Krishnakumar D, Hamblin MR, Lakshmanan S. Meditation and yoga can modulate brain mechanisms that affect behavior and anxiety-a modern scientific perspective. Anc Sci. 2015;2(1):13–19. doi:10.14259/as.v2i1.171​
García-Sesnich JN, Flores MG, Ríos MH, Aravena JG. Longitudinal and immediate effect of Kundalini yoga on salivary levels of cortisol and activity of alpha-amylase and its effect on perceived stress. Int J Yoga. 2017;10(2):73–80. doi:10.4103/ijoy.IJOY_45_16
Improve cognitive functioning.
​Eyre HA, Siddarth P, Acevedo B, et al. A randomized controlled trial of Kundalini yoga in mild cognitive impairment. Int Psychogeriatr. 2017;29(4):557–567. doi:10.1017/S1041610216002155
Enhance your brain patterns and emotional balance.
​García-Sesnich JN, Flores MG, Ríos MH, Aravena JG. Longitudinal and immediate effect of Kundalini yoga on salivary levels of cortisol and activity of alpha-amylase and its effect on perceived stress. Int J Yoga. 2017;10(2):73–80. doi:10.4103/ijoy.IJOY_45_16
This is a gift for you. We give it with our whole hearts and are excited at this single, beautiful step toward transformation. This meditation will get you to a place where you can be sensitive and awake in your body - and ready for deeper work.
With love,